Das große Glasdach des Model Y ist zwar mit einer UV-beständigen Folie versehen, diese hält die Wärmeübertragung jedoch nicht vollständig ab, was den Verfall des Innenraums Ihres Fahrzeugs beschleunigen kann. Erleben Sie den Unterschied mit unserem verbesserten Tesla-Glasdach-Sonnenschutz für das Modell Y 2021–2023.
Hier setzen wir mit einer erweiterten Lösung für Ihr Model Y an:
1. Wir haben dichteres Netzgewebe für hervorragende Wärmeisolierung integriert.
2. Wir haben einen abnehmbaren, silberbeschichteten Stoff hinzugefügt, um sowohl den Hitze- als auch den UV-Schutz zu verbessern.
3. Wir haben einen Rahmen aus hochmanganhaltigem Stahl mit Wärmebehandlungs-Memory-Funktion gefertigt, um Haltbarkeit und Formbeständigkeit zu gewährleisten.
Zweiteiliges Design: Der einteilige Sonnenschirm neigt dazu, nach einiger Zeit zusammenzufallen und hässlich zu werden. Wir haben es basierend auf diesem Problem erforscht und verbessert und es in zweiteilige Typen unterteilt, um das Problem des Zusammenbruchs zu lösen. Die neueste Version im Jahr 2022, „0“ Einsturz.
Keine LÜCKEN an der Verbindung, sodass nach der Installation kein bisschen Sonnenlicht durch das Dach dringt.
Merkmale :
- Unser aus PET gefertigter Sonnenschirm bietet robuste Isolierung und Umweltschutz und bleibt auch bei hohen Temperaturen schadstofffrei.
- Speziell entwickelte Dachclips sorgen für eine perfekte Passform Ihres Tesla-Schiebedachs, machen die Installation zum Kinderspiel und sorgen gleichzeitig für eine einwandfreie Übereinstimmung.
- Erleben Sie eine effektive Wärmeisolierung mit unserem reflektierenden, silberbeschichteten Stoff, der UV-Strahlen abwehrt, und dem PET-Schatten, der die Innentemperatur des Fahrzeugs aufrechterhält – egal, ob es im Sommer kühler bleibt oder im Winter verhindert, dass es zu kalt wird.
Video: Snap-Installationsposition:

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· All Model Y
PET & Blackout fabric
Package include:
2x sunshade for roof
2x blackout fabric
Versand und Rücksendungen
Orders are usually shipped within 48 hours (except holidays).
Our shipping range covers the whole world and shipping is free on orders over $59.
The transportation time may take 6-12 working days. You will receive a confirmation email with your tracking number once its shipped
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Due to differences in local logistics, the logistics delivery time in some places will be delayed by 1-3 Days.
1.If the logistics is delayed due to the epidemic, you can contact the email to get shipping detail. This is an uncontrollable factor, please understand,thank you.
- Other countries not in the list, please see the actual payment page or contact our customer service.
- This table is for reference only, please see the exact shipping cost and delivery time on the actual payment page.
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Orders are usually shipped within 48 hours (except holidays).
Our shipping range covers the whole world and shipping is free on orders over $59.
The transportation time may take 6-12 working days. You will receive a confirmation email with your tracking number once its shipped
Track your order https://www.aftership.com/en/track
Free Shipping on order over $59 (7-15 Days)
United States | 7-15 business days |
Europe countries | 9-23 business days |
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Due to differences in local logistics, the logistics delivery time in some places will be delayed by 1-3 Days.
1.If the logistics is delayed due to the epidemic, you can contact the email to get shipping detail. This is an uncontrollable factor, please understand,thank you.
- Other countries not in the list, please see the actual payment page or contact our customer service.
- This table is for reference only, please see the exact shipping cost and delivery time on the actual payment page.
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If you have left a wrong shipping address or contact information, please contact our customer service within 2 hours. Please note that it is the responsibility of the customers to enter their shipping address correctly. We are unable to redirect to another shipping address after we have processed and shipped the parcel. Contact us at support@evaam.com
You can return your product up to 30 days after receiving your order. Please make sure that the products are not used or damaged.
For more information, visit our FAQ page.
Versand und Rücksendungen
Orders are usually shipped within 48 hours (except holidays).
Our shipping range covers the whole world and shipping is free on orders over $59.
The transportation time may take 6-12 working days. You will receive a confirmation email with your tracking number once its shipped
Track your order https://www.aftership.com/en/track
Free Shipping on order over $59 (7-15 Days)
United States | 7-15 business days |
Europe countries | 9-23 business days |
Australia | 7-15 business days |
Other countries | 15-35 business days |
Due to differences in local logistics, the logistics delivery time in some places will be delayed by 1-3 Days.
1.If the logistics is delayed due to the epidemic, you can contact the email to get shipping detail. This is an uncontrollable factor, please understand,thank you.
- Other countries not in the list, please see the actual payment page or contact our customer service.
- This table is for reference only, please see the exact shipping cost and delivery time on the actual payment page.
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If you have left a wrong shipping address or contact information, please contact our customer service within 2 hours. Please note that it is the responsibility of the customers to enter their shipping address correctly. We are unable to redirect to another shipping address after we have processed and shipped the parcel. Contact us at support@evaam.com
You can return your product up to 30 days after receiving your order. Please make sure that the products are not used or damaged.
For more information, visit our FAQ page.
If you have any questions about order delivery, please contact
For product after-sales and other service issues, please contact
Orders are usually shipped within 48 hours (except holidays).
Our shipping range covers the whole world and shipping is free on orders over $59.
The transportation time may take 6-12 working days. You will receive a confirmation email with your tracking number once its shipped
Track your order https://www.aftership.com/en/track
Free Shipping on order over $59 (7-15 Days)
United States | 7-15 business days |
Europe countries | 9-23 business days |
Australia | 7-15 business days |
Other countries | 15-35 business days |
Due to differences in local logistics, the logistics delivery time in some places will be delayed by 1-3 Days.
1.If the logistics is delayed due to the epidemic, you can contact the email to get shipping detail. This is an uncontrollable factor, please understand,thank you.
- Other countries not in the list, please see the actual payment page or contact our customer service.
- This table is for reference only, please see the exact shipping cost and delivery time on the actual payment page.
Wrong Shipping Information
If you have left a wrong shipping address or contact information, please contact our customer service within 2 hours. Please note that it is the responsibility of the customers to enter their shipping address correctly. We are unable to redirect to another shipping address after we have processed and shipped the parcel. Contact us at support@evaam.com
You can return your product up to 30 days after receiving your order. Please make sure that the products are not used or damaged.
For more information, visit our FAQ page.
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